Thursday, October 22, 2009

Surrendering All Expectations to God

by Gary Smalley
A few years ago God broke through my hardened heart and began to transform my attitudes. The first thing I realized that had to change were my expectations. I had to face up to the fact that my own sense of how things ought to be had come to rule my life and my emotions. It wasn’t that the expectations themselves were wrong—we all have expectations; they’re a natural part of life—but my expectations were all Gary-centered rather than God-centered.

I believe that God had me start by surrendering all my expectations to him because my unfulfilled expectations were the cause of much of the stress in my life, and they were distracting me from my relationship with God. God called me to let go of all my aspirations so that I could focus on him.

God promises that he will meet all of our needs “according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”It doesn’t say he’ll meet some of our needs; it says he’ll meet all our needs. I had read this verse countless times over the years, but I wasn’t living according to what it promises. I was driven by my own agenda, my own goals, and my own good ideas. When I started to trust God fully, and really believed he was faithful, I began to experience true peace. This, I believe, is what caused my stress levels to drop so dramatically.

Gary Smalley
Smalley Relationship Center

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