Monday, October 26, 2009

Dear Friend,

What challenge are you facing right now? Whether it's personal or professional, you thrive when choose to not simply "go through it," but instead to grow through it. Consider these three principles for thriving in the face of a challenge:

1. Be gentle with yourself.
Sometimes a challenge will take a lot out of you - your energy level just isn't the same. You're frustrated more easily. And yet, you expect yourself to keep going at your usual pace. Give yourself permission to breathe, to be imperfect, and not have all the answers. Rather than beating yourself up, be gentle. It is a wiser use of your energy.

2. Believe in your ability to face the challenge.
Just because you face something you've never faced doesn't mean you can't handle it. Even if it doesn't seem like it right now, you may be better off on the other side of your challenge. Challenges offer an opportunity for growth. Be intentional about how you speak about your challenges. Do you sound like a victim or someone who will claim victory in the end? Do you focus on your weaknesses or tap into your strengths? Does your conversation center around the problem or do you inspire action by looking towards a solution? Remember a time when you were at your best in the midst of a challenging situation. Keep that image of your resilient self in mind as you forge ahead.

3. Know that "this too shall pass."
When you grow through your challenge, its magnitude in your life diminishes over time. In other words, it "passes." Put your challenge into perspective. Gratitude is a powerful tool for doing that. In the midst of your challenge, what are you grateful for? Counting your blessings in the midst of a storm always brings a greater sense of peace. Learn the lessons the challenge brings you and persevere on your journey. One day, you'll look back and see it as a milestone - perhaps even one that led you closer to the person you were meant to be.

My challenge to you this week:
Whatever you are going through, choose to "grow through it."

Coaching question:
In what way will you grow or be "better" as a result of going through a current challenge your work or life?

Warm wishes,
Valerie Burton

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