Saturday, June 25, 2011


"What I thought was love was only a beginning. Every hour, every week, every yeart hat I spend with you I discover a new dimension to loving." Pam Brown

"Love is the seed of all hope. It is the enticement to trust, to risk, to try, to go on." Gloria Gaither

"Loving and being loved is the greatest of human joys." Edward Ford

"In all our losses, all our gains, in all our pleasures, all our pains, the life of life is: Love remains." Theodore Tilton

"Henceforth there will be such oness between us - that when one weeps the other will taste salt."

"What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined... to strenghten each other... to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories."
George Eliot

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